Jackson Hong, Luddite Ball Game
Jackson Hong, Luddite Ball Game (short ver.)
Lucy McRae, ‹Solitary Survival Raft›
Lucy McRae, ‹Solitary Survival Raft› (short ver.)
UJOO+LIMHEEYOUNG, ‹Song from Plastic›
UJOO+LIMHEEYOUNG, ‹Song from Plastic› (Short ver.)
DRIFT, Nokia 3210
DRIFT, Nokia 3210 (short ver.)
Dialogue Between Landscape and Architecture - Jeju Osulloc
Dialogue Between Landscape and Architecture - Jeju Osulloc (short ver.)
For All That Breathes On Earth | Jung Youngsun - Reinventing Korean Gardens - Heewon
For All That Breathes On Earth | Jung Youngsun - Reinventing Korean Gardens - Heewon (short ver.)
For All That Breathes On Earth | Jung Youngsun
For All That Breathes On Earth | Jung Youngsun (short ver.)
Jung Youngsun: For All That Breathes On Earth
People Objective-Wrong Interpretations | GIM Hongsok
People Objective-Wrong Interpretations | GIM Hongsok (short ver.)
Venetian Rhapsody-The Power of Bluff, 2016-2017, 1243×1033×111cm (dimensions variable) | Cody CHOI
Venetian Rhapsody-The Power of Bluff, 2016-2017, 1243×1033×111cm (dimensions variable) | Cody CHOI (short.ver.)
MMCA Photographs Collection: Preface to the ninth edition: On Marwan Kassab-Bachi (1934-2016) | Walid RAAD (short ver.)
MMCA Photographs Collection: Preface to the ninth edition: On Marwan Kassab-Bachi (1934-2016) | Walid RAAD
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣLEE Kangwoo
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣLEE Kangwoo (short ver.)
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣGWON Doyeon
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣGWON Doyeon (short ver.)
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣHONG Il
MMCA Photographs Collection: What's the Time in Your World?ㅣHONG Il (short ver.)
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣHan Mook
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣHan Mook (short ver.)
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣByon Yeongwon (short ver.)
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣByon Yeongwon
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣYUN Hyongkeun
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣYUN Hyongkeun (short ver.)
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣYoo Youngkuk
Geometric Abstraction in Korean Artㅣ Yoo Youngkuk (short ver.)
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣChun Sungwoo
Geometric Abstraction in Korean ArtㅣChun Sungwoo (short ver.)
JEUN LoijinㅣMeditation, Studyㅣ1974, 1954
JEUN LoijinㅣMeditation, Studyㅣ1974, 1954 (short ver.)
JEUN LoijinㅣFairy of Peace,A Leisurely Dayㅣ1974,1983
JEUN LoijinㅣFairy of Peace,A Leisurely Dayㅣ1974,1983 (short ver.)
JEUN LoijinㅣFamily, Family in an Enchanted Landㅣ1978, 1983
Byungjun KwonㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023
Byungjun KwonㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023 (short ver.)
Lee Kang Seung ㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023
Lee Kang Seung ㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023 (short ver.)
Sojung JunㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023
Sojung JunㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023 (short ver.)
Gala Porras-KimㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023
Gala Porras-KimㅣKorea Artist Prize 2023 (short ver.)
Winter in Gwacheonㅣ2023
Lee ShinJaㅣPrayerⅠ, Retrospection of Autumn, The Han River, Life Vein of Seoulㅣ1985, 1987, 1990-1993
Lee ShinJaㅣPrayerⅠ, Retrospection of Autumn, The Han River, Life Vein of Seoulㅣ1985, 1987, 1990-1993 (short ver.)
Lee ShinJaㅣForestㅣ1972
Lee ShinJaㅣForestㅣ1972 (short ver.)
Lee ShinJaㅣImage of NatureⅠ,Ⅱㅣ1965
Lee ShinJaㅣImage of NatureⅠ,Ⅱㅣ1965 (short ver.)
Chang UcchinㅣThe Night and an Old Manㅣ1990
Chang UcchinㅣThe Night and an Old Manㅣ1990 (short ver.)
Chang UcchinㅣFamilyㅣ1955
Chang UcchinㅣFamilyㅣ1955 (shorts ver.)
Chang UcchinㅣA Magpie,The Village and a Childㅣ1958, 1976 (short ver.)
Chang Ucchinㅣ A Magpie,The Village and a Childㅣ1958, 1976
Chang UcchinㅣSelf-portraitㅣ1951
Chang UcchinㅣSelf-portraitㅣ1951 (short ver.)
Autumn in Gwacheonㅣ2023
Visible Storage : MMCA Lee Kun-hee Collection 3
Visible Storage : MMCA Lee Kun-hee Collection 3 (short ver.)
Pablo PicassoㅣCorrida with Figuresㅣ1950
Pablo PicassoㅣCorrida with Figuresㅣ1950 (short ver.)
Pablo PicassoㅣJacqueline at the Easelㅣ1956
Pablo PicassoㅣJacqueline at the Easelㅣ1956 (short ver.)
Pablo PicassoㅣLarge Bird, Black Faceㅣ1951
Pablo PicassoㅣLarge Bird, Black Faceㅣ1951 (short ver.)
Jung YeondooㅣOne Hundred Years of Travelsㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Jung YeondooㅣOne Hundred Years of Travelsㅣ2023
Jung YeondooㅣWall of Bladesㅣ2023
Jung YeondooㅣWall of Bladesㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yangㅣ2023
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yangㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Kim KulimㅣMatter-62, Nucleus 1-62ㅣ1962
Kim KulimㅣMatter-62, Nucleus 1-62ㅣ1962 (Short ver.)
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yang: Carㅣ2023
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yang: Carㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Kim KulimㅣElectric Art A, Space Constructionㅣ1969, 1968
Kim KulimㅣElectric Art A, Space Constructionㅣ1969, 1968 (short ver.)
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yang 91-L 13ㅣ1991
Kim KulimㅣYin and Yang 91-L 13ㅣ1991 (short ver.)
CHOI JeonghwaㅣFlowers of tomorrowㅣ2015
CHOI JeonghwaㅣFlowers of tomorrowㅣ2015 (short ver.)
Summer in Gwacheonㅣ2023
JUNG JaehoㅣA Ball of Dwarfㅣ2018
JUNG JaehoㅣA Ball of Dwarfㅣ2018 (short ver.)
KONG SunghunㅣA Dogㅣ2001
KONG SunghunㅣA Dogㅣ2001 (short ver.)
BAHC Yiso | Venice Biennale | 2003/2023
BAHC Yiso | Venice Biennale | 2003/2023 (short ver.)
KONG SunghunㅣDust Painting (at Mountain)ㅣ1996
KONG SunghunㅣDust Painting (at Mountain)ㅣ1996 (short ver.)
ROH Choonghyun | Rainy Season | 2008
ROH Choonghyun | Rainy Season | 2008 (short ver.)
LEE DongiㅣMan and Womanㅣ1990
LEE DongiㅣMan and Womanㅣ1990 (short ver.)
SUNG Neung Kyungㅣ An Upside-Down Map of Worldㅣ1974
SUNG Neung Kyungㅣ An Upside-Down Map of Worldㅣ1974 (short ver.)
LEE SeungteakㅣUntitled(Sprout)ㅣ1963 (2018)
LEE SeungteakㅣUntitled(Sprout)ㅣ1963(2018) (short ver.)
JUNG KangjaㅣKiss Meㅣ1967(2001)
JUNG KangjaㅣKiss Meㅣ1967(2001) (short ver.)
LEE Kun-YongㅣCorporal Term 71-2023ㅣ1971(2023)
LEE Kun-YongㅣCorporal Term 71-2023ㅣ1971(2023)(short ver.)
Yoo JiwonㅣReturning Homeㅣ1978
Yoo JiwonㅣReturning Homeㅣ1978 (short ver.)
LEE SangbeomㅣEarly Winterㅣ 1926
LEE SangbeomㅣEarly Winterㅣ 1926 (short ver.)
Park HeechanㅣRitual Machineㅣ2023
Park HeechanㅣRitual Machineㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Hwang DongwookㅣMoment, Trace, Object/Spaceㅣ2023
Hwang DongwookㅣMoment, Trace, Object/Spaceㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Kim DongshinㅣRelief, Map, Human Scale, Ringㅣ2023
Kim DongshinㅣRelief, Map, Human Scale, Ringㅣ2023 (short ver.)
Choi XooangㅣThe Wingsㅣ2008ㅣThe Heroㅣ2009
Choi XooangㅣThe Wingsㅣ2008ㅣThe Heroㅣ2009 (short ver.)
KIM Mansul | The Liberation | 1947
KIM Mansul | The Liberation | 1947 (short ver.)
spring in Gwacheon l 2023
Peter WeibelㅣNiveaㅣ1966
Peter WeibelㅣNiveaㅣ1966 (short ver.)
Peter WeibelㅣVideo Lumina ㅣ1977
Peter WeibelㅣVideo Luminaㅣ1977 (short ver.)
Peter WeibelㅣMoaning Stone. Non-human Poemㅣ1969
Peter WeibelㅣMoaning Stone. Non-human Poemㅣ1969 (short ver.)
Byun Jae-kyuㅣMechanism of Measurementㅣ 2015
Byun Jae-kyuㅣMechanism of Measurementㅣ 2015 (short ver.)
Ujoo+Lim HeeyoungㅣTemperation of the Dancing Mask_Dark Eating Machineㅣ2011
Ujoo+Lim HeeyoungㅣTemperation of the Dancing Mask_Dark Eating Machineㅣ2011 (short ver.)
GWON OsangㅣThree Parts of Oak Baseㅣ2013-2018
GWON OsangㅣThree Parts of Oak Baseㅣ2013-2018 (short ver,)
Ryu Ho-yeolㅣBAUMㅣ2011
Ryu Ho-yeolㅣBAUMㅣ2011 (short ver.)
Im Sun-iyㅣTrifocal Sight 6, 7, 8ㅣ2008
Im Sun-iyㅣTrifocal Sight 6, 7, 8ㅣ2008 (short ver.)
Cha, Min-youngㅣStage of topophilia-subtopiaㅣ2017
Cha, Min-youngㅣStage of topophilia-subtopiaㅣ2017 (short ver.)
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 4
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 4 (short ver.)
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 3
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 3 (short ver.)
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 2
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 2 (short ver.)
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 1
Modern Design: The Art of Life, Industry, and Diplomacy 1 (short ver.)
Lim Ok-sangㅣLean on Bukhansan Mountainㅣ2020 (short ver.)
Lim Ok-sangㅣLean on Bukhansan Mountainㅣ2020
Lim Ok-sangㅣThe Sound of the Dirtㅣ2022
Lim Ok-sangㅣThe Sound of the Dirtㅣ2022 (short ver.)
Lim Ok-sangㅣHere, the Rising Landㅣ2022
Lim Ok-sangㅣHere, the Rising Landㅣ2022 (short ver.)
Paik Nam JuneㅣRainbow Stripes Iㅣ1996
Paik Nam JuneㅣRainbow Stripes Iㅣ1996 (short ver.)
CHO DuckhyunㅣMemory of the Twentieth Centuryㅣ1994
CHO DuckhyunㅣMemory of the Twentieth Centuryㅣ1994 (short ver.)
LEE Sanghyunㅣ The Voyage of Forgotten Combatantㅣ1988
LEE Sanghyunㅣ The Voyage of Forgotten Combatantㅣ1988 (short ver.)
Paik Nam JuneㅣFamily Photo Declassified, ime Runs / Tape Runsㅣ1984
Paik Nam JuneㅣFamily Photo Declassified, ime Runs / Tape Runsㅣ1984 (short ver.)
Paik Nam June ㅣ Life Has No Rewind Button, I - Ching / Et - Ching, Zenㅣ1984
Paik Nam JuneㅣLife Has No Rewind Button, I - Ching / Et - Ching, Zenㅣ1984 (short ver.)
Paik Nam june | Magnet TV, Zen for TV | 1963, 1963(1995)
Paik Nam june | Magnet TV, Zen for TV | 1963, 1963(1995) (short ver.)
Pierre-Auguste RenoirㅣAndree in Yellow Turban and Red Skirt (Reading)ㅣ1917-1918
Pierre-Auguste RenoirㅣAndree in Yellow Turban and Red Skirt (Reading)ㅣ1917-1918 (short ver.)
Claude MonetㅣThe Water-Lily Pondㅣ1917-1920
Claude MonetㅣThe Water-Lily Pondㅣ1917-1920 (short ver.)
Camille PissarroㅣThe Cereal Market in Pontoiseㅣ1893
Camille PissarroㅣThe Cereal Market in Pontoiseㅣ1893 (short ver.)
Paul Gauguinㅣ Crane on the Banks of the Seineㅣ1875
Paul Gauguinㅣ Crane on the Banks of the Seineㅣ1875 (Short ver.)
Ham Kyungah | I'm Sorry | I'm Hurt | 2009-2010
Ham Kyungah | I'm Sorry | I'm Hurt | 2009-2010 (short ver.)
Paik Nam June | X1, X2 | 1985
Paik Nam June | X1, X2 | 1985 (short ver.)
MOON ShinㅣUntitledㅣUnkown
MOON ShinㅣUntitledㅣUnkown (short ver.)
Moon ShinㅣAn Ant (La Fourmi)ㅣ1985
Moon ShinㅣAn Ant (La Fourmi)ㅣ1985 (short ver.)
MOON ShinㅣUntitledㅣ1978, 1977, 1981
MOON ShinㅣUntitledㅣ1978, 1977, 1981 (short ver.)
Moon ShinㅣChicken Coopㅣ1950s
Moon ShinㅣChicken Coopㅣ1950s (short ver.)
LEE JUNG SEOP l Artist Drawing His Family l 1950s
LEE JUNG SEOP l Artist Drawing His Family l 1950s (short ver.)
LEE Jungseop | Two Children and Fish and Crab, Two Children and Fish and Crab(Taehyun) | 1950s, 1954
LEE Jungseop | Two Children and Fish and Crab, Two Children and Fish and Crab(Taehyun) | 1950s, 1954 (short ver.)
Lee JungseopㅣImaginary Animals and Womanㅣ1941
Lee JungseopㅣImaginary Animals and Womanㅣ1941 (short ver.)
SON Jangsup | Looking Through History | 2006-2009
SON Jangsup | Looking Through History | 2006-2009 (short ver.)
CHUN Hyucklim | A Hundred Objects Bringing Good | 2001
CHUN Hyucklim | A Hundred Objects Bringing Good | 2001 (short ver.)
PARK Saengkwang | Jeon, Bong-Jun | 1985
PARK Saengkwang | Jeon, Bong-Jun | 1985 (short ver.)
YANG Junguk | Fatigue Always Comes with a Dream | 2013
YANG Junguk | Fatigue Always Comes with a Dream | 2013 (short ver.)
Louise BOURGEOIS | Crochet Ⅱ,Ⅲ, Ⅳ | 1998 (short ver.)
Louise BOURGEOIS | Crochet Ⅱ,Ⅲ, Ⅳ | 1998
HAN Hyoseok | Unmasked Exposing what Lies Beneath 10, 11 | 2008-2009
HAN Hyoseok | Unmasked Exposing what Lies Beneath 10, 11 | 2008-2009 (short ver.)
KWAK Duckjun | Clinton Kwak-1 | 1999
KWAK Duckjun | Clinton Kwak-1 | 1999 (short ver.)
KIM Youngjin a | Montage-a beautiful Event | 1991/2019 (short ver.)
KIM Youngjin a | Montage-a beautiful Event | 1991/2019
Christian BOLTANSKI | Play of Shadows | 1986
Christian BOLTANSKI | Play of Shadows | 1986 (short ver.)
AHN Changhong | Family Photograph | 1982
AHN Changhong | Family Photograph | 1982 (short ver.)
SUNG Neungkyung | No Relation to a Particular Person 1 | 1977
SUNG Neungkyung | No Relation to a Particular Person 1 | 1977 (short ver.)
Peter HALLEY | Timecode | 2001
Peter HALLEY | Timecode | 2001 (short ver.)
Victor VASARELY | Geza | 1983
Victor VASARELY | Geza | 1983 (short ver.)
A. R. PENCK | Systematization 4 | 1982
A. R. PENCK | Systematization 4 | 1982 (short ver.)
Bernard BUFFET | Packard | Unknown
Bernard BUFFET | Packard | Unknown (short ver.)
Jan VANRIET | Revenge | 1988
Jan VANRIET | Revenge | 1988 (short ver.)
Donald JUDD | Untitled | 1980
Donald JUDD | Untitled | 1980 (short ver.)
Pierre BURAGLIOㅣ Window Frameㅣ1981,1988,1988
Pierre BURAGLIOㅣ Window Frameㅣ1981,1988,1988 (short ver.)
Bernard SCHULTZE | Ophelia | 1985
Bernard SCHULTZE | Ophelia | 1985 (short ver.)
Peter KlasenㅣWagon Citerne Gris/Bacheㅣ1984
Peter KlasenㅣWagon Citerne Gris/Bacheㅣ1984 (short ver.)
Paul AIZPIRIㅣStill Life,1955ㅣFlowers, Unknown
Paul AIZPIRIㅣStill LifeㅣFlowersㅣ1955ㅣUnknown (short ver.)
Robert RAUSCHENBERG | Teem | 1978
Robert RAUSCHENBERG | Teem | 1978 (short ver.)
Klaus Peter BREHMERㅣFeeling Between Fingertipsㅣ1967
Klaus Peter BREHMERㅣFeeling Between Fingertipsㅣ1967 (short ver.)
PARK Sookeun | Grandfather and Grandson | 1960
PARK Sookeun | Roofed House at Changsin-dong | 1956
PARK Sookeun | Still-Life |1950-1960
Park Soo Keun: The Naked Tree Awaiting Spring
CHOI Wook-kyung | Red Flower | 1984
CHOI Wook-kyung | Ecstasy | 1977
CHOI Wook-kyung | 3Eyes I Do Have | 1966
Wook-kyung Choi, Alice's Cat
Claude VIALLATㅣUntitledㅣUntitledㅣ1982
Claude VIALLATㅣUntitledㅣUntitledㅣ1982 (short ver.)
OH Jong-uk | Widow No. 2 | 1960
OH Jong-uk | Widow No. 2 | 1960 (short ver.)
spring in Gwacheon
QUAC Insik | Work | 1962
QUAC Insik | Work | 1962 (short ver.)
HWANG Jaihyoung | Hwangji 330 | 1981
HWANG Jaihyoung | Hwangji 330 | 1981 (short ver.)
LEE Ungno | Crowd | 1986
LEE Ungno | Crowd | 1986 (short ver.)
SUH Doho | Floor | 1997-2000
SUH Doho | Floor | 1997-2000 (short ver.)
LEE Bul | Cyborg W5 | 1999
LEE Bul | Cyborg W5 | 1999 (short ver.)
JOO Jaehwan | A Alien of Alpha Star Left Visitor's Book behind My Picture | 2010
JOO Jaehwan | A Alien of Alpha Star Left Visitor's Book behind My Picture | 2010 (short ver.)
LIM Oksang | Fire in the Field 2 | 1981
LIM Oksang | Fire in the Field 2 | 1981 (short ver.)
MIN Bokjin | Camel and Man | 1962
CHUN Sangbum | Bird- B | 1972
LEE Seungteak | Untitled | 1980
RYU In | Yun's Rationale II | 1988
Yeesookyung | Translated Vases | 2007
GWON Osang | Tree | 2013
Hwang Jai Hyoung: Rehabilitation
HWANG Jaihyoung | Clock(Thrall Time) | 1983
HWANG Jaihyoung | Clock(Thrall Time) | 1983 (short ver.)
HWANG Jaihyoung | Olkhon(Ойхон) | 2016
HWANG Jaihyoung | Olkhon(Ойхон) | 2016 (short ver.)
summer in Gwacheon
BANG Haija | The light of life | 2001
BANG Haija | The light of life | 2001 (short ver.)
YOUN Myeongro | Homage to the GyeomJae M.310 | 2000
YOUN Myeongro | Homage to the GyeomJae M.310 | 2000 (short ver.)
CHANG Unsang | Noble Fragrance | 1973
CHANG Unsang | Noble Fragrance | 1973 (short ver.)
Paik Namjune | Rabbit and Moon | 1988
Paik Namjune | Rabbit and Moon | 1988 (short ver.)
Bryan HUNT | Autumn Falls I | 1990
Bryan HUNT | Autumn Falls I | 1990 (short ver.)
PARK Saengkwang | Shamanism-16 | 1985
PARK Saengkwang | Shamanism-16 | 1985 (short ver.)
Park Rehyun Retrospective: Triple Interpreter
winter in Gwacheon
SHIN Youngseong | Korean Dream | 1986-2002
SHIN Youngseong | Korean Dream | 1986-2002 (short ver.)
Kimsooja a | Mind and World | 1991
Kimsooja a | Mind and World | 1991 (short ver.)
PARK Rehyun | Open Stalls | 1956
PARK Rehyun | Open Stalls | 1956 (short ver.)
PARK Rehyun | Origin B | 1972
PARK Rehyun | Origin B | 1972 (short ver.)
PARK Rehyun | Phenomenon | 1972
NOH Suntag | StrAnge Ball | 2005-2006(printed 2007)
PARK Rehyun | Phenomenon | 1972 (short ver.)
NOH Suntag | StrAnge Ball | 2005-2006(printed 2007) (short ver.)
IM Sangbin | Deoksu Palace-Seoul | 2009/2010
IM Sangbin | Deoksu Palace-Seoul | 2009/2010 (short ver.)
KIM Chongtai | Yellow Top | 1929
KIM Chongtai | Yellow Top | 1929 (short ver.)
OH Jiho | A House Facing South | 1939
OH Jiho | A House Facing South | 1939 (short ver.)
LEE Jungseop | Three People | 1943-1945
LEE Jungseop | Three People | 1943-1945 (short ver.)
CHANG Uc-chin | Magpie | 1958
CHANG Uc-chin | Magpie | 1958 (short ver.)
PARK Sookeun | Grandfather and Grandson | 1960 (short ver.)
YOO Youngkuk | Mountain(Topography) | 1959 (short ver.)
LEE Jungseop | Children and Fish and Crab | around 1950
LEE Jungseop | Children and Fish and Crab | around 1950 (short ver.)
Autumn in Gwacheon
CHUN Sangbum | Legacy | 1963
CHUN Sangbum | Legacy | 1963(short ver.)
PARK Seobo | Ecriture No.16-78-81 | 1981
PARK Seobo | Ecriture No.16-78-81 | 1981(short ver.)
KO Younghoon | Stone | 1985
KO Younghoon | Stone | 1985 (short ver.)
LEE Insung | Calla | 1932
LEE Insung | Calla | 1932 (short ver.)
LEE Chongwoo | Landscape of Rouen | 1926
Jean-Michel BASQUIATㅣUntitledㅣ1982
Jean-Michel BASQUIATㅣUntitledㅣ1982 (short ver.)
RYU Kyungchai | Mountain Path | 1954
RYU Kyungchai | Mountain Path | 1954 (short ver.)
YUN Hyongkeun | Burnt Umber | 1980
YUN Hyongkeun | Burnt Umber | 1980 (short ver.)
LEE Chongwoo | Landscape of Rouen | 1926 (short ver.)
LEE Daiwon a | Garden | 1939
LEE Daiwon a | Garden | 1939 (short ver.)
YOO Youngkuk | Mountain(Topography) | 1959
Jim DINE | Trembled for Color | 1985 (short ver.)
Paik Nam june | Untitled | 1990
Paik Nam june | Untitled | 1990 (short ver.)
Guy BARDONE | Lumière D'Irlande (Light of Ireland)
Guy BARDONE | Lumière D'Irlande (Light of Ireland) (short ver.)
Jim DINE | Trembled for Color | 1985
MMCA VR, 360° VR video| «Korea Artist Prize 2024»
The Modern and Contemporary Korean Calligraphy
The Modern and Contemporary Korean Calligraphy | Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
Performative Home: Architecture for Alternative Living|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
360°VR Exhibition Tour MMCA VR│Performative Home: Architecture for Alternative Living
What Things Dream About|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
MMCA Donated Collection: Figurative Paintings in Korea, 1960s-1970s|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
What an Artificial World|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
Korean Embroidery in Modern Times: The Birds Trying to Catch the Sun|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
Jung Youngsun: For All That Breathes On Earth|Curator-guided Exhibition Tour
Kim Joon│Artist Interview│MMCA Cheongju Project 2022: Urban Resonance
Kwon Byungjun│Artist Interview│MMCA Cheongju Project 2022: Urban Resonance
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