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2017 MMCA Residency Goyang International Residency Exchange Artists Exhibition 〈Love at First Sight〉

  • 2017-08-03 ~ 2017-08-17
  • Residency MMCA Residency Goyang

Exhibition Overview

2017 MMCA Residency Goyang International Residency Exchange Artists  Exhibition 〈Love at First Sight〉
Rudy Decelière,〈Âmes sensibles〉, 2015,
Rudy Decelière,〈Âmes sensibles〉, 2015,
Mathieu Latulippe, 〈INTERZONE3〉, 2017
Mathieu Latulippe, 〈INTERZONE3〉, 2017
Jasmin Werner, 〈Maquette - Early Stages〉, 2017
Jasmin Werner, 〈Maquette - Early Stages〉, 2017
Jasmin Werner, 〈Maquette - Flying high〉, 2017
Jasmin Werner, 〈Maquette - Flying high〉, 2017
Yusuke Kamata,〈The House Project〉, 2017
Yusuke Kamata,〈The House Project〉, 2017
Chiung-Fang Chang, 〈Box Houses〉, 2017
Chiung-Fang Chang, 〈Box Houses〉, 2017
Claudia Schmitz, 〈In Between〉, 2015
Claudia Schmitz, 〈In Between〉, 2015
Khadim Ali, 〈Untitled from the
Khadim Ali, 〈Untitled from the "Otherness" series〉, 2017

《Love at First Sight》 is an art exhibition featuring foreign artists at MMCA Residency Goyang as part of its International Residency Exchange Program. This event will be presenting their works to both the Korean culture and art scene and the general public. Since 2004, the residency has established an international network with prestigious institutions in other countries and runs such exchange programs in partnership with them. As of 2017, MMCA Residency Goyang has been exchanging artists with seven institutions in five nations (Taiwan, Germany, Japan, Canada, and Australia) and supporting their creative activities during the three-month residency period.

The title 《Love at First Sight》 reflects the state of mind of the foreign artists at MMCA Residency Goyang who are thrilled to be in a place like Korea unfamiliar to them. These seven artists from overseas have different cultural backgrounds and motivations that led them to apply to this residency program. That being said, they do have one thing in common — they have been staying together in one place with curiosity and expectations for Korea. This event brings together their showpieces and new works they have completed during the residency period. This exhibition of overseas artists will serve as an opportunity to display the achievements of cultural exchange activities and act as a medium for visitors and the Korean culture and art scene.

On the frist day of exhibition, the international artists have studio open and the free shuttle bus will be provided from MMCA Seoul to Gupabal Station. For more details about the exhibition, please visit our MMCA website: http://www.mmca.go.kr 

  • Artist
    Rudy Decelière, Mathieu Latuplippe, Jasmin Werner, Yusuke Kamata, Chiung-Fang Chang, Claudia Schmitz, Khadim Ali
  • Numbers of artworks