Thank you for your interest in the international symposium, Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity. The application is closed early due to your enthusiastic participation. If there is a cancellation in advance, we will contact individually.
The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art is pleased to present Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity, an international symposium co-organized with the e-flux Architecture. The symposium consists of lectures and discussions of professionals in the field of architecture, art, design, media, philosophy and science.
Superhumanity aims to explore and challenge our understanding of “design” by probing the idea that we are and always have been continuously reshaped by the artifacts we shape, to which we ask: who designed the lives we live today? What are the forms of life we inhabit, and what new forms are currently being designed? Where are the sites, and what are the techniques, to design others?
Please R.S.V.P., as the symposium seats will be reserved first come, first served basis. MMCA and e-flux Architecture look forward for your active participation.
▣ Outline
• Title: Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity
• Dates: October 27 (Fri.)─28(Sat.), 2017 (two days)
• Venue: MMCA Seoul, Multi Project Hall (B1)
• Content: The symposium will last two days in order of keynote speech, panel presentations and discussion under three main themes.
▣ Programs (tentative)
10/27(Fri.) 13:00-17:35
Reservation Confirmation &
Registration (1st)
Welcome Address
Bartomeu Mari (Director,
Symposium and Keynote Introduction
Jihoi Lee (Curator, MMCA)
1: Post-Labor
as Play”
Chin Jungkwon
(Dongyang University,
Nikolaus Hirsch (e-flux
Architecture, Editor)
Panel Introduction
Nick Axel (e-flux Architecture,
Deputy Editor)
Post-Labor Condition
- Reading
Marx's Fragments on Machines with
Yuk Hui
(Leuphana University of
Luneburg, Lecturer)
"In the Posthuman Era, Is Post-Labor Possible?"
Kim Jaehee
(Sungkyunkwan University, Visiting Professor)
"How to Make Harmony with Human Beings while Building AGI"
Hiroshi Yamakawa
(Whole Brain Architecture
Initiative, Chairperson)
Discussion, Q & A
Nikolaus Hirsch (e-flux
Architecture, Editor)
10/28 (Sat.) 10:30-19:00
Reservation Confirmation &
Registration (2nd )
2: Psychopathology
Symposium and Panel Introduction
Nikolaus Hirsch (e-flux
Architecture, Editor)
Mark Wasiuta
(Columbia University, Co-Director of CCCP)
the Mechanical Boy, Revisited"
Hong Sungook
Seoul National University,
"Mournful Militancy"
Hannah Proctor
(ICI Berlin, Fellow)
Discussion, Q & A
Beatriz Colomina
(Princeton University,
3: Plasticity
Keynote Introduction
Lee Jihoi (MMCA, Curator)
We (Super)Human - Repetition, Revenge and Plasticity"
Catherine Malabou
(Kingston University, Professor)
Mark Wigley
(Columbia University, Dean
Panel Introduction
Nick Axel (e-flux Architecture,
Deputy Editor)
of Stability and Plasticity of the Brain:
of Artistic Creativity"
Shim Kwanghyun
(Korea National University of
Arts, Professor)
Muscle and Death:
Protocols for Online Urbanism"
Igor Bragado, Miles Gertler (Common Accounts, Founders)
"What Is Enactive Architecture? Lessons from Embodied Cognitive Science for Makers"
Erik Rietveld
(University of Amsterdam,
Senior Researcher)
Discussion, Q & A
Mark Wigley
Sponsored by Embassy of Spain
* Participants (keynote speakers, lecturers, and discussants) are subject to change.
▣ Advance Reservations
• Participants: Adults over the age of 20 including culture and art professionals, students, and general public
• Number of participants: 180 people per day
• Entry fee: Free (Participants will be admitted after confirming their names on the reservation list at the 1st
floor lobby)
• How to make reservations:
- Online Registration https://goo.gl/forms/J8ZJ1lfOUNHdiHKB2
- If you are a group, please send applications separately.
- Participants will be admitted after checking with the reservation list on the first floor lobby 1 hour before
the event.
▣ Notes
• The admission process must be completed 10 minutes before the event begins. People on the waiting list will have the priority to enter the hall if you are not present on time
• If any seats are available, you may register on-site 10 minutes before the event begins.
• Applications may close earlier than scheduled.
• Parking: Assistance with parking fees will not be offered.
▣ Inquiries
MMCA Superhumanity Symposium Secretariat